In this paper, we propose an efficient analytical method for admission control of wireless virtual networks (VNs), with heterogeneous traffic profiles and various quality-of-experience (QoE) requirements, in the future software-defined radio access networks (SD-RANs). We present a novel methodology for the admission control process which includes feedback information to the VN customers to improve their traffic profile accuracy, and consequently, their QoE. We formulate the virtual network admission control problem as a convex optimization problem which allows general multiple association between user equipments (UEs) and base stations (BSs). Consequently, we propose an algorithm for solving this problem. The proposed method is applicable on heterogeneous networks with heterogeneous traffic distributions (HetHetNets). We also propose a number of extensions to the problem including mechanisms which consider minimization of the network and service cost, and optimization according to the backhaul limitations. The simulation results show that our proposed methods are accurate and result in significant improvement in network resource utilization and customer satisfaction.